Saturday, August 22, 2009

Current Issues

Im sick and tired of hearing people (girls mostly) sit and talk about how they want to get out of Utah because its so sheltered.  Don't get me wrong I agree it is and want to explore the world as well, but seriously, grow up!  If you think being a chain smoker and loosing your virginity in High School is cool then go ahead...please do leave!  Im also sick and tired of nature loving, go green, environmental, homeless loving, granola, liberal, Obama loving, anti NRA freaks! (im not a redneck by the way)  People with the bumper stickers that say "save our canyons" acting like a gum wrapper out the window is some huge deal but smoke 10 packs a day and don't have a problem throwing the cigaret bud out the window. I think ill send you a bumper sticker that says "save our lungs" then deport you to mexico along with all the other illegals invading our country.  Which brings up another important topic on my mind.  Illegals!!! Who wants these people coming into our country the home of the free and the brave, funneling into our prison system and infiltrating our communities with gangs and mean mugging.  We should transport the great wall of china to the U.S. border with full auto machine guns every 2 feet ready to ruin any border hopper.  On another note, Support our Troops!  I cant stand unpatriotic, anti war, military hating citizens.  Just don't come crying to me when Obama collapses the country, we turn into a socialist dynasty, and Asian troops take over our country like flees.  The world is a scary place with too many illiterate, close minded, hippy (peace and love) people.  Until next time...Im out!

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